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We are proud of every customer who chooses to deliver with our postal and bicycle couriers. Conversely, we believe that our customers should also be proud of their sustainable and social choice. And that should be seen!

That is why we have set up a generous toolkit with all kinds of materials that can be used on your website, in the check-out, on social media and in other expressions. Good luck with it!

Ga naar de mediakit in het Nederlands >

Our logo for your website, webshop and so on

Images for your website and social media

Handy for the checkout of your webshop

FAQ for bike courier delivery

Are you succeeding? Well done.

One more thing: our media kit is constantly evolving. Are you missing something? Do you have tips? Mail to info@cycloon.eu, we will help you.

Wij zoeken fietskoeriers!
Hou je van fietsen, werk je het liefst buiten en zoek je een flexibele (bij)baan? Kom bij ons pakketten bezorgen!

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